Frequently Asked Questions About
Now You're Cooking! 


Tools/Options Troubleshooting

Why do I get “Error 75 path/file access error” sometimes when I change user folder location to or from my Google Drive?


You probably made a previous change that has not yet synchronized on your cloud drive.  When storing your user folder on a cloud drive like Google Drive, you must wait for the cloud drive to synchronize with the cloud after any previous change before NYC will allow a user folder change to or from the cloud drive.


Using NYC 5.87, the progress bar does not close after I use Tools… Data Management... Categories tab... Manage Categories button.


We found this bug 10 days after release of NYC 5.87, so we fixed it and re-released NYC as 5.87 on June 14, 2010.  Your NYC 5.87 download was probably just prior to this date, so you should re-download and reinstall NYC 5.87.


I get Error 449 when I select Tools… Options… What is happening?


This usually means that the spell checker that NYC tried to install is not installed, or you may have had a different version already on your PC.  I suggest you rename your “wspell.ocx” file in your System32 folder to “wspell.ocx.old”, then reinstall NYC.  This way NYC can install the version of “wspell.ocx” that it needs.


When I try to access Tools… Options…, I get “Run time error 383 - Text property is read only”.  How can I fix this so I can set options?

Your “wspell.ocx” file may not registered properly or it may not exist.  If it exists (check your System32 folder), rename it to “wspell.ocx.old” and reinstall NYC - this will properly register the file and should fix the problem.  If it does not exist, reinstall NYC – this will install the file.

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Last Updated:  4/24/2015

Loginetics, Inc.  Email tech support