April 1999

Searching For Exact Phrases in Recipes

 Need to find all recipes with an exact phrase in the name?  Here is an example.

1.  Press the Recipes toolbar button.
2.  Click the "all recipes" radio button.
3.  Press the Search... command button.

To I find all recipes with "rice pudding" in the name

4.  Enter a comma at the end of your phrase in the search keyword list, like:

     rice pudding,

When NYC sees a comma in your search string, it assumes commas are delimiting rather than spaces, so it will find all recipes with the string "rice pudding".  To find recipes with multiple phrases, separate them with commas like this:

    rice pudding, orange juice, sourdough bread

I would not eat a recipe with all these things in it, so this is a bad example, perhaps, but you get the idea.

In NYC v5, you can also delimit strings with quotes.  Accordingly, the string:

    "rice pudding"  "orange juice"  "sourdough bread"

would produce the same result as the comma-delimited string above.
See previous NYC Tips

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